How To Cancel SASSA Application in 2024

In this article, we will explore steps on how to cancel SASSA Application in 2024. When your financial situation improves is not only moral principle but also the right thing to do. It ensures that those who genuinely need assistance can benefit from these grants.

What is SASSA Social Grants

South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) plays a vital role in administering social grant applications.

The grants are: Older person’s grant (old age pension), Child support, Care dependency, Grant in aid (if you live on a social grant but need someone to take care of you), War veteran’s, Foster child, Disability grant and the social relief of distress R370 Grant for temporary assistance.

SEE ALSO: Easy to Get Social Grants Distributed by SASSA

It is mandatory to cancel SASSA applications f you receive other government benefits from programs such as UIF (Unemployment Insurance Fund) and NSFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme).

How To Cancel SASSA Application in 2024

To cancel your SASSA grant application online, follow this guide:

  1. Visit the official Sassa website at on your browser.
  2. Once on the Sassa website, look for the “Apply for a Grant” section. Click on it.
  3. Scroll down and click on the yellow button “Click Here to Cancel Online”.
  4. The next step, enter your ID number and cell phone number used for grant application.
  5. Click on the Send PIN button to receive an SMS with the SASSA OTP Code.
  6. Provide the OTP Code to verify.
  7. Click on the “Cancel My Grant” button.
  8. Accept your choice and click ‘Yes’ to cancel your Grant to terminate.

By doing this, you will avoid future government penalties if your financials have improved.

SEE ALSO: Sassa announces payment dates for June 2024

But if your financial situation takes a downturn again, you have the right to reapply for the SASSA SRD grant. You can submit a Sassa reinstatement application, and your grant will be restored to assist you during challenging times.

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