Department of Public Works and infrastructures invites candidates with Grade 12 to apply for Administrative Clerk post in western cape.
SALARY : R181 599 per annum
CENTRE : Cape Town Regional Office
CLOSING DATE : 27 January 2023 at 16H00
Department of Public Works: Administrative Clerk
REQUIREMENTS : A Senior certificate (Standard 10) / Grade 12 or equivalent with relevant experience in Horticulture and logistics. Must be computer literate. Be in possession of a valid driver’s license and PDP. Knowledge of administrative practices and transport related procedures in terms of horticulture working
environment. Communication skills and able to work with large staff component. Knowledge of SCM Procurement related processes.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be: Render Transport duties. Be able to communicate well. Liaise with internal and external stakeholders in relation to transport related matters. Stock control of all vehicle assets. Performs regular equipment maintenance inspections at all horticultural sections when requested. Notification of problems areas related to transport matters. Responsible for the maintenance of vehicles. Random visit of horticultural sections for vehicle checking. Supervise. Supervise personnel and Render
general administrative support services. Provide financial administration support services. Provide SCM related services to Chief Horticulturist.
ENQUIRIES : Mrs. E. Bessick Tel No: (021) 402 2407
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How to apply
Cape Town Regional Office Applications: The Regional Manager, Department of Public Works, Private Bag X9027, Cape Town, 8000. Or Hand Deliver at Ground floor, Customs House, Lower Heerengracht Street, Cape Town. Register the application in the book.
NOTE : Kindly take note that with effect from 01 January 2021, DPSA approved the new Z83 Application Form (obtainable from any Public Service department); applicants are requested to use the new application form and the Z83 form must be signed when submitted as failure to do so will result in their application being disqualified.