Government Communications and Information Systems Department invites candidates to apply for Communication Officer position.
(Twelve 12-Months Contract)
Directorate: Kwa-Zulu Natal Provincial and Local Liaison
SALARY : R181 599 per annum (Level 05), plus 37% of the annual notch
CENTRE : Amajuba District
CLOSING DATE : 30 January 2023
Government Communications: Communication Officer
Applicants should be in possession of Grade 12, and a recognised Higher Certificate in Communication or related field coupled with Project Management skills particularly in Development Communication. One year (1) communication experience. Ability to adhere to and promote processes and procedures. A team player. An ability to effectively conceptualise and implement communication campaigns. Understanding of government’s mandate, as well as development communication. Competent in Computer skills (MS Office and other software) Familiarity with online and social media communication tool.
The successful candidate will be responsible to support the Regional Communication Coordinator in the implementation of a strategic government communication function in the District as follows: Implement key Communication projects in line with government priorities and in line with
guidelines for development communication, provide content and strategy support in the district. From Time to time, the candidate will develop Local Environment Assessment Report of the district for various stakeholders, especially around key campaigns of Government. Effectively cascade government communication content to stakeholders. Candidate will further provide support in support of various integrated service delivery models of government such as Thusong service centre programme.
The candidate must have strong stakeholder relations. Fluent spoken and written English required
and other language skills relevant to engaging stakeholders. Develop and implement projects in line with government priorities.
You may also apply for;
ENQUIRIES : Mr M Mkhungo Tel No: (031) 301 6787
NOTE : Preference will be given to Coloured, Indian and White males/females. People with disabilities will be given preference regardless of Race.
How to apply
Send your applications to;
The DG of Government Communication and Information System, Private Bag X 745, Pretoria 0001, or hand deliver to Tshedimosetso House, 1035 cnr Francis Baard & Festival streets, Hatfield, Pretoria.