Department of Labour invites candidates with Grade 12 to apply for Administration Clerk post at Department of Employment and Labour Mpumalanga.
SALARY : R181 599 per annum
CENTRE : Provincial Office Mpumalanga
CLOSING DATE : 30 January 2023
Department of Labour: Administration Clerk
REQUIREMENTS : Grade 12/ Matriculation Senior Certificate. Knowledge: Relevant ILO Conventions, Human Resource Management, Batho Pele. Skills: Planning and organising, Verbal and written communication, Analytical, Computer literacy, Presentation, Interpersonal, Report writing, Innovative.
DUTIES : Liaise with stakeholder relations for acquisition of placement opportunities (Daily). Avail information for coordination of International Cross-Border Labour Migration functions (Daily). Support coordination of the registration and certification of Private Employment Agencies (Daily). Coordinate large (Provincial) opportunities from key stakeholders (Weekly).
ENQUIRIES : Mr EA Masemola Tel No: (013) 655 8700
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How to Apply
The Deputy Director: Public Employment Services, Private Bag X 7263, Emalahleni, 1035.Hand delivery: Labour Building, Corner Hofmeyer Street and Beatty Avenue, Emalahleni.
FOR ATTENTION : The Deputy Director: Public Employment Services
NOTE : Instruction: Applications quoting the relevant reference number must be submitted on the new form Z83, obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at Received applications using the incorrect application for employment (old Z83) will not be considered. Each application for employment form must be fully completed, initialled and signed by the applicant (Part F must be answered and declaration must be completely signed). Failure to fully complete, initial and sign this form may lead to disqualification of the application during the selection process.
ONLY a fully completed, initialled and signed new form Z83 (Section A, B, C, D and F compulsory. Section E and G ignore if CV attached and recently updated comprehensive CV (with detailed previous experience) is required.
Only shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and other related documents on or before the day of the interview