Administrative Assistant Vacancy at Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs

The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs invites applications for Administrative Assistant Vacancy at the Department.

CLOSING DATE : 22 September 2023

(12 Month Renewable Fixed Term Contract)
Chief Directorate: Community Development Workers and Public Participation
Directorate: CDWS and Rapid Response
SALARY : R171 537 per annum (Level 04)
CENTRE : Pietermaritzburg

Administrative Assistant Vacancy at Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs


The ideal candidate must be in possession of a Grade 12 and a post matric certificate or equivalent qualification plus an unendorsed valid code EB Driver’s License coupled with 1 years’ experience of driving, working with people with a disability as well as performing administrative work.

Essential Knowledge, Skills And Competencies: The successful candidate must have: Knowledge of disability as a human rights issue, Knowledge of guiding visually impaired people, Understanding of the needs of people with disability, Knowledge of disability etiquette, Administration skills pertaining to visually impaired people, Ability to drive visually impaired persons, Good sighted guide skills, Computer skills (including JAWS, fine-reader and embosser), Good communication skills in both Isizulu and


The successful candidate will be required to assist a visually impaired with tasks that they would normally perform for themselves if they did not have the disability, including administrative, driving, transport, mobility, ensuring access to information and general support to ensure efficient and effective services are provided to the Departmental stakeholders and to provide administration support to the visually
impaired Administration Clerk in the CDWS.

Rapid Response Directorate assisting with the following key responsibilities:– Provision of travel assistance for a visually impaired Administration Clerk, Ensuring the effectiveness of reception
function/ front line office duties, Ensuring accessibility and user friendliness of information to the Administration Clerk, Provision of administrative support to the Administration Clerk in the CDWS and Rapid Response Directorate, Assist the Administration Clerk in the usage of bathrooms facilities and movement between offices and venues.

ENQUIRIES : Ms F Makhanya Tel No: (033) 897 5605

How to apply

Download New Z83 Form 2023

The Chief Director, Human Resource Management & Development, Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Private Bag X9078, Pietermaritzburg, 3200 or Hand Delivered To: The Chief Registry Clerk, 2nd Floor, South Tower, Natalia, 330 Langalibalele Street, Pietermaritzburg for the attention of Mr LA Zulu. (Applications received after this date will not be accepted).

Applicants can also submit their Z83 and CV directly to the following email address

See also: X2 Administration Clerk Posts at Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services: JICS


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