Directorate: Nursing
SALARY : Grade 1: R256 905 – R297 825 per annum
Grade 2: R315 963 – R362 865 per annum
CENTRE : Far East Rand Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Basic nursing diploma/degree, registered with SANC in General nursing and must have NIMDR certificate.
DUTIES : Provision of a high-quality nursing care that is holistic and patient centred without stigmatization. Ensuring that nursing care provided is within the scope of practice of nurses and the legal framework. Promotion of professionalism and leading by example at all times. Co-ordinating of activities of the other members of the health team. Will be able to assist in completion of clinical stationery and ensure that data is entered timeously. Will also be responsible for ensuring that all quality assurance standards and other health mandates are implemented during his/her shift.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. E. Mawela Tel. No: 011 812 8300
APPLICATIONS : Applications must be submitted on Z83 form, CV, certified Copies ID, Qualifications and service certificates to be attached (For OSD posts). Applications should be submitted at HR Department, Far East Rand Hospital, Private bag x50, Springs, 1560 or hand delivered at: Hospital Road, New State Area, Springs between 08h00 to 15h00.
NOTE : Prospective applicants must please use the new Z83 which is effective as from the 1st of January 2021 and it must be fully completed. A curriculum vitae with detailed description of duties and names of two referees who are current/previous supervisors. According to Circular 5 of 2021, “applicants must submit copies of qualifications, identity document and drivers licence (where applicable) and any other relevant documents. Such copies need not be
certified when applying for a post. The communication from the HR of the department regarding the requirements for certified documents will be limited to shortlisted candidates. Therefore, only shortlisted candidates for a post will
be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR”. You have to be contacted within Three (3) months after the closing date if your application is suitable. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by SAQA. The Gauteng Department of health supports the appointment of persons with disabilities. Suitable candidates will be subjected to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Medical Surveillance as required in the Hazardous Biological Agents (HBA) and Hazardous Chemical Substance (HCS) Regulations within the OHS Act 85 of 1993. Verification of qualifications and registration to professional bodies, reference, financial information and criminal record check.
CLOSING DATE : 10 September 2021