General Workers: EPWP Program X 6000 Posts.
Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development invites candidates to apply for General Worker posts.
Location: General workers per corridor: West rand 600. Ekurhuleni 1600. Tshwane 1200. Sedibeng 600. City of Joburg 2000
Closing date: 13 February 2023
Stipend: R130 per day.
Duration: Duration is 12 months.
General Workers: EPWP Program
No experience. Applicant must be a South African citizen with no criminal record. Applicant must be fit and agile. Applicant must apply only in their residing corridor.
See also: Admin Jobs

Provide support in establishing food gardens in different communities. Assist project members in erecting fence and gates, installation of irrigation systems, erection of shade net structures. Participate in Bontle Ke Botho (BKB) clean-up campaigns in Municipalities. Assist schools to establish environmental projects. Perform any other general work and administrative duties as in when required.
See also: Office of the Chief Justice Internships 2023

How to apply
To apply you can either use Fastmail /Post Office or Hand Deliver.
The applicants must be willing to participate in an EPWP employment as regulated by the Ministerial Determination on EPWP. Unemployed youth, women, people with disabilities and military veterans/beneficiaries are encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to Gauteng residents.
Applications should be delivered at 56 Eloff street , Umnotho house, Johannesburg.
Applications can be submitted at the following offices
GDARDE – Germiston Office (247 President Street)
GDARDE – Randfontein Off ice (Golden guest house mainreef road)
GDARDE – Pretoria Office (Fedsure building, Nana Sita street)
GDARDE- Abe Bailey Nature Reserve (Farm St inkhoutboom IQ101, Oberholzer district Cartetonville) GDARDE – Roodeplaat Nature Reserve (Plot 2%. JR, Dwarsweg Kamelfontein road, Pretoria) GDARDE – Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve, Farm No.1 R550 Kliprivier Road
GDARDE – Temba Off icepubilee road, Hamanskraal)
GDARDE – Vereeniging Office(36 Merriman str)
GDARDE – Marievale Nature Reserve (R42 Delmas road,Holgatfontein Nigel)
GDARDE -Alice Clockner Nature Reserve (L1-103 Lagerspoort. Heidelberg)
GDARDE – Head Office (no 56 Eloff Street, Umnotho house, Johannesburg)
Enquiries: Ms Iris Thanjekwayo Tel: 011 240 3085 or
Ms Thilvhali Mashau Tel: 011 2403096 or Ms Margaret Digoro Tel: 011 240 3097