SALARY : R145 821 – R154 194 .per annum. (Level 4) PLUS Other Benefits 13th Cheque, housing allowance (employee must meet prescribed conditions) Medical Aid (optional)
REQUIREMENTS : Senior certificate or Grade 12. Current Proof of registration with PSIRA at Grade B. Valid driver’s license. Experience: 2-3 years’ experience in the field of security Knowledge, Skills, Training and Competencies Required: Sound knowledge of Security legislation Investigating and problem solving, Basic knowledge of Health and safety, Excellent communication skills and interpersonal skills, Supervise staff under your span of control (Private security) Knowledge of Batho Pele Principles. Key Performance Areas: Supervise all security staff including the private security, ensuring that all
DUTIES : are carried out according to the job description. Ensure regular patrols are carried out, including mag-touch/fence/ward patrols. Writing of occurrence book, making of duty sheets, obtaining statements and update security registers. Ensuring that regular inspections are carried out and guards are at their point of duty including the private security. Ensure that the cashier is escorted timeously and back to his/her point of duty. To conduct internal
investigation to all incidents occurred within our health institutions. Visit Clinics for security inspection and reports.
ENQUIRIES : Mr L.B. Ngubane, Tel No: 036 6379600
APPLICATIONS : All applications should be forwarded to: The Human Resources Manager St Chads Community Health Centre, Private Bag X 9950 Ladysmith 3370, OR Hand Delivered to Corner Helpmekaar and Ezakheni Main Road, Ezakheni 3381.
NOTE : Applications must be submitted on the prescribed Amended Z83, Application for Employment Form effective 01/01/2021 which is obtainable at any Government OR from website which must be signed
and dated. The application form (Z83) must be accompanied by a detailed Curriculum Vitae, applicants must submit copies of qualifications, Identity document and drivers licence (where appropriate) and any other relevant documents. Such copies need not be certified when applying for a post. The communication from the HR of the department regarding the requirements for the documents will be limited to shortlisted candidates. Therefore only
shortlisted candidates for a post will be required to submit certified documents on or before the day of the interview following communication from HR. Copies of Registration with relevant council must be attached. The reference number must be indicated in the column provided on the form Z83 (Part A).Persons with disabilities should feel free to apply for the post. Failure to comply with the above instructions will disqualify applications .Please note that due to a large of applications received, applications will not be acknowledged. However, every successful applicant will be advised of the outcome of the application in due course. The appointment is subject to positive outcome obtained from the State Security Agency (SSA) to the following checks (security clearance(vetting),credit records, citizenship) qualifications of Educational Qualification by SAQA, verification of prevsious experience from Employers and Verification form Company Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC).Applicants are respectfully informed that, if no notification of
appointment is received within 3 months after closing date, they must accept that their applications were unsuccessful. Applicants in possession of a foreign qualification must attach an evaluation certificate form the South African
Qualification Authority (SAQA) to their application. Non-RSA Citizens/ Permanent Residents/ Work Permit holders must submit documentary proof together with their applications All employees in the Public Service that are presently on the same salary level but on a notch/package above that of the advertised are free to apply. Please note that no S&T will be considered for payment to candidates that are invited for interview.
CLOSING DATE : 22 October 2021