JUMBO: Learnerships 2023

JUMBO, The Clothing Co. invites unemployed youth in South Africa to apply for Learnerships 2023.

Closing Date: 15 May 2023

Location: East London, South Africa

JUMBO: Learnerships 2023

FET/TVET N6 Business Management Graduates for Jumbo Clothing’s Workplace Experience Programme 2023:

JUMBO, The Clothing Co. has an exciting opportunity for TVET/FET Graduates with an N6 Certificate in Business Management. This 18 Month’s programme requires dedication and offers in-depth practical on the job training. This experience will allow students to obtain their Diploma’s.

We are looking for interns that are specifically interested in gaining practical experience in a Clothing Retail Store environment.

In terms of experience the interns will be trained in various roles and positions pertaining to the
functioning of a Clothing Retail store:

  • Shop Assistant – 4 months
  • Cashier – 4 Months
  • Admin Controller – 4 months
  • Assistant Store Manager – 4 months
  • Store Manager – 2 months

The interns will be exposed to the following aspects relevant to a Clothing Retail Business:

Minimum requirements
N 6 Certificate in Business Management from TVET/FET College.
No Criminal Record.
SA Citizen.

How to apply

CV’s can be sent directly careers@jumboclothing.co.za. Applications must include a motivational letter, stating why the applicant wants to join Jumbo’s workplace experience program as well as a certified ID copy and certified copies of qualifications, a tax number and a CV.
Please to ensure the correct and updated address information is reflected on the CV to ensure graduates are placed within close proximity to their residence.

See also: Afrika Tikkun Learnership 2023

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Please to ensure the SUBJECT of your application is INTERNSHIP.
Tho closing date for application will be 15 May 2023.

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