SALARY : R104 073 per annum
CENTRE : Groote Schuur Hospital, Observatory

REQUIREMENTS : Minimum requirement: Basic reading and writing skills. Experience: Appropriate experience as a cleaner within a hospital environment and experience in Waste management Inherent requirements of the job: The ability to do physical tasks and operate heavy duty cleaning and household
equipment. Excellent health status- be able to work with cleaning materials and lifting of equipment. Render a shift service on weekends and public holidays, on day and night duty when required. Rotate in different departments according to operational needs and requirements. Competencies (knowledge/skills): Extensive knowledge of routine cleaning processes, Terminal Cleaning and handling cleaning equipment. Ability to effectively communicate in at least two of the three official languages Spoken of the Western Cape.

DUTIES : Responsible for cleaning duties i.e. sweeping, dusting, mopping, scrubbing and polishing, deep cleaning of toilets, refuse handling and maintenance of general neatness and hygiene in the area. Effectively execute terminal cleaning in isolated areas, ICU, etc., Render assistance to the supervisor with
general housekeeping duties such as control of cleaning and household equipment, care and control of linen, serving of meals to patients and Waste Management Ensure that cleaning equipment is clean after usage and securely stored. Effectively use cleaning agents and stock as well as elementary stock control Attend in-service training appropriate to service delivery.

ENQUIRIES : Mr E Cassiem Tel No: (021) 404-3237

APPLICATIONS : The Chief Executive Officer: Groote Schuur Hospital, Private Bag X4, Observatory, 7935.

NOTE : No payment of any kind is required when applying for this post.

CLOSING DATE : 20 May 2022