Financial Management Division
Directorate: Stores, Services and Related Payments (DSSRP)
Finance Accounting Service Centre

SALARY : R173 703 per annum (Level 05)
CENTRE : FASC Lenz Ref No: CFO: 21/7/6A (X2 Posts)
FASC Port Elizabeth Ref No: CFO: 21/7/6B
FASC Kimberly Ref No: CFO: 21/7/6C

Pretoria Ref No: CFO 21/7/8

REQUIREMENTS : Minimum requirements: Grade 12 certificate with finance/accounting related subjects. Computer literate (MS Office software packages) Ability to effectively liaise and communicate with clients. Decisive and persevering in terms of task finalisation. Willing to undergo training at Finance Education, Training and Development Centre as the successful candidate will be required to complete all relevant courses. Willing to be detached to Satellite Offices across geographical boundaries. Willing to work with cash (as cashier), in Rand and Foreign currency. Willing to assist with general administrative functions and archiving /filing/safekeeping of all accounting documentation. Added
advantage: Post Matric qualification in Finance related fields. A minimum of one year relevant experience. A valid RSA/Military driver’s licence. Ability in understanding, interpreting and correctly applying financial policies and
prescripts. Basic knowledge of financial and accounting processes. Basic knowledge of contract management or State Tender Board regulations and supply chain management process. Sound knowledge of the Public Finance
Management Act and Treasury Regulations as well as knowledge of Financial Management Systems or other financial systems.

DUTIES : Strictly apply policies, prescriptions and regulation. Detect and report on all irregularities. Performing of cashier duties by paying out of cash advances. Receipt of State monies. Receive cash from client and verify or correctness in terms of the purpose of the payment. Issue an official receipt. Accurate allocation Revenue. Timely preparation and capturing of deposits on FMS and securely dispatching of deposits to the bank. Process Supplier Invoices for payment. Safekeeping and issuing of Face Value Documents (FVD). Archiving of Accounting documents, Bundle documents in numerical order for ease of retrieval. Record Accounting documentation in numerical order for ease of retrieval, Record accounting documentation in archive register and timely filing of bundled documentation in archive room. Safekeeping of payment and other accounting documentation for audit purposes. Utilise the Financial
Management System (FMS) to regularly record all accounting transactions and do enquiries, administering of claims on the central Advance System and capturing of all related accounting transactions on FMS. Confirmation of
TELKOM accounts. Administering of Paymaster General (PMG) deposits and assisting with general administration and accounting functions at the FASC. Scrutinise, verify, register and couple medical and supplier invoices for

ENQUIRIES : Ms D.A. McCOSH Tel No: (012) 392-2893/2892


APPLICATIONS : must be submitted to: Financial Management Division, DFSS, Career Management Section, Private Bag X 137,Pretoria, 0001 or applications may be hand-delivered to: Department of Defence, Poynton building, 195 Bosman
Street, Pretoria where it must be placed in wooden post box 5 at Reception.

NOTE : Please use reference number not post number. All applicants must complete all the sections in the Z83 form including section C on contact details and medium of communications and section E on current study (institution and
qualification). Preference will be given to Northern Cape Province (Coloured males, Coloured females), Gauteng Province (African males, White males and Indian males), Eastern Cape (White males) and Persons with Disabilities.

CLOSING DATE : 19 November 2021 @ 16:00 (Applications received after the closing date and
faxed copies will not be considered).