Apply for EPWP: Data Capturer Positions. Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure invites candidates to apply for (Extended Public Works Programme) Data Capturer Job Posts.
Apply for EPWP: Data Capturer Positions
Component: Extended Public Works Programme
SALARY : R151 884 per annum (Level 04)
CENTRE : Head Office – Polokwane
CLOSING DATE : 10 March 2023 at 16:00
An undergraduate qualification (NQF Level 4) as recognized by South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).Qualifications /Certificate in Data capturing will be an added advantage, MS Office Package / Computer Literacy. Competencies: Knowledge of clerical duties, practices as well as the ability to
capture data, operate computer and collecting statistics. Knowledge and understanding of legislative framework governing the Public service.
Knowledge of working procedures in terms of working environment. Job knowledge. Interpersonal relations. Flexibility. Teamwork. Computer skills. Planning and organising. Good verbal and written communication skills.
Capture data from available records into required formats.e.g Database, tables and spreadsheets. Verify missing data and errors observed during data entry. Review and validate all data from the records. Submit data as required. Make regular backups of data. Update registers and statistics. Keep and maintain
records and files. Ensure that records and files are properly sorted and secured. Provide information to other components.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. Magdeline Mokonyane, Ms Ledwaba Elizabeth, Ms Mathebula Winneth, Ms.Phillipine Hanyane, Mr Malose Moabelo,Mr Mathume Mabilo, Mr Billy Seleka Tel No: 015 284 7353/ 7570/ 7578/ 7586/7663/ 7627/ 7607/ 7663.
How to apply
APPLICATIONS : Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure: Private Bag X9490 Polokwane 0700 or Hand delivered at Works Tower Building, No. 43 Church Street, Polokwane, 0699
NOTE : NB: Prospective Applicants should submit their applications on a new z83 form which is effective as at 01 January 2021 obtainable from any Public Service Department or can be downloaded from must be accompanied by a comprehensive curriculum vitae (Certified copies of identity document, driver’s license, and qualifications will be requested from shortlisted candidates only).