Employer : Department of Health

Location : Leratong Hospital

Closing Date : 08-04-2022

  • Reference Number : Refs/013642
  • Directorate : Information Management
  • Number of Posts : 2
  • Package : R 147,459.00 per annum (plus benefits)
  • Enquiries : Mr. T Serumula Tel No. (011) 411 3839

Requirements :

  • Grade 12 / equivalent. Computer literacy certificate (Ms Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc). Knowledge and understanding of the legislative framework governing the Public Service. Knowledge of DHIS, PPIP3, TIER.NET will be an added advantage.

Duties :

  • Collect data from various points in the facility. Check and verify before capturing. Report problems found in the registers to the information Manager. Check for missing data, add comments and mark records for follow up in incorrect daily data and provide feedback to clinician to correct the e-Tick / paper tick register e.g. TPH31 and TPH21 midnight census. Run absolute validation checks. Capture verified data in webDHIS, DATACOV, PPIP3 and ChilPIP3 on monthly basis. Monitor daily data entry for each service point. Follow up on incorrect data and do edits once the source documents have been corrected and mark recorded as completed after editing. Check that the records are properly corrected in line with DHIMS policy / SOP and guideline. Compile daily, weekly, and monthly reports for Auditor general on the spreadsheet provided. Preform data quality check on webDHIS e.g. WHO data quality, TIER.NET patients records capturing, running and storage of line lists and reports

Notes :

  • Applications should be hand delivered to Leratong Hospital: Human Resource Department: Block 6 no 1 Adcock Street, Chamdor, KRUGERSDORP, 1740 or posted to Leratong Hospital. Human Resource Department, Private Bag X2078, KRUGERSDORP, 1740. Applications should be delivered by 12h00 (Noon) on the closing date Applications must be submitted on a fully completed and signed New Z83 form obtainable from any Public Service Department or on the internet at The completed and signed form should be accompanied by a recently updated CV as well as copies of all qualification/s and ID document. Only Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified copies of qualifications and ID before interview. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. Correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Medical surveillance will be conducted on the recommended applicants. People with disability are welcome to apply. Applicants must indicate the post reference number on their applications. Qualifications of candidates recommended for appointment will be verified. Persons in possession of a foreign qualification must furnish the Department with an evaluation certificate from South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). Candidates will be subjected to security screening and vetting process. Applications received after closing date will not be accepted. The Department reserves the right to not make an appointment. Candidates will be expected to be available for selection interviews on the date, time and place determined by the Department. Please Note: The Public Service does not charge any fees for applying for posts. Should you be asked for a fee, please let the authorities know.