Directorate: Social Work
SALARY : R150 438 – R169 332 per annum, (plus benefits)
CENTRE : Sterkfontein Hospital
REQUIREMENTS : Recognized Certification in Social Auxillary Work. Registration with the SA Council for Social Service Professions and Proof of current registration. Knowledge/Experience regarding Health Care Social Work will be an advantage. Applicant must be able to function within a Multi-disciplinary team. A Driver’s license is compulsory.
DUTIES : Provide assistance and support to social workers with the rendering of a social work service with regard to the care, support, protection and development of vulnerable individuals, groups, families and communities through the relevant departmental programmes. Assist social workers to attend to any other matters that could result in, or stem from social instability in any form. Assist the social worker with the exploration of possible and available facilities for placement of patients according to the need. Accompany patients to assessment interviews and placement admissions. Liaise with external resources and stakeholders such as SASSA and Home Affairs. Facilitate identity document /disability grant applications. Provide basic counselling, support and encouragement to patients and families who do not need professional counselling. Keep abreast with information regarding social grants. Compile and keep an updated data base of different SASSA offices and placement facilities. Keep weekly contact with NGO’s and contracted care centres
regarding bed availability for patients. Perform all administrative support functions in support of social workers as required of the job. Keep precise records and compile accurate reports on social auxiliary activities and file them appropriately. Assist with arrangements of meetings, taking of minutes, typing thereof and distribute to relevant stakeholders. Assist the social worker with groups and or community outreach projects and/or conduct group care activities. Give information and support to target groups as agreed with the social worker. Assist with the
transportation of patients. Assist social workers in participatory research tasks such as the distribution of such questionnaires. Update social work resources list regularly.
ENQUIRIES : Ms. R. Reddy Tel No: 011 951-8298
APPLICATIONS : Sterkfontein Hospital, Private Bag X2010, Krugersdorp, 1740, or hand delivered to the application box at the entrance.
NOTE : Application must be submitted on fully completed new format Z83 (81/971431, fully completed CV, copies of ID and Qualifications. The Department of Health is committed to the achievement and maintenance of diversity and equity employment especially of race, gender and disability. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. (Only shortlisted candidate will submit certified copies) If you have not been contacted within three (3) months after the closing date, please accept that
your application was unsuccessful. Candidate will be subjected to personnel suitability checks (PSC) verification (reference checks – provide at least 3 of which one must be your immediate supervisor, identity verification, qualifications verification, criminal record checks, credit/financial stability checks and employment verification), recommended candidate may be subjected to medical surveillance as required by Occupational Health and Safety Act 5/1993. Sterkfontein hospital reserves the right to utilise practical exercises/tests for nonSMS positions during the recruitment process to determine the suitability of candidates for the posts.
CLOSING DATE : 03 December 2021 @ 12H00