Matric Results Updates 2022

Matric Results for Updates 2022, based on previous years results, the Department of Basic Education states that all provinces have improved.

Matric Results Updates 2022

KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng contributed the most passes that qualify to study further at university.
The minister commended the matriculants for their resilience.
A total of 580,555 candidates passed the matric exams

The pass rate was 76.4 percent in 2021.
The Free State is the leading province with a pass rate of 88.5 eprcent.
KwaZulu-Natal is the most improved province with a pass rate increase of 6.2 percent from 2021.

All provinces have improved.

Free State: 88.5 %
Gauteng: 84.4 %
KwaZulu Natal: 83 %
Western Cape: 81.4 %
North West: 79.8 %
Eastern Cape: 77.3%

Mpumalanga: 76.8%
Northern Cape: 74.2 %
Limpopo: 72.1%
Over results of 2022 pass rate: 80.1 %

There were 775 630 students in matric 2022. The class of 2022 started with 1 177 089 students in Gr 1 in 2010.

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According to the DG of Education, Mathanzima Mweli, the number of students between Gr 1 and Gr 4 remains relatively unchanged.

But this number started to drop off from Gr 5 with 979 360 in 2015.

“Experts say this is because from Gr 4 they start to learn in English as a language of learning and this has an effect on them,” Mweli said.

In Gr 10 the numbers start to increase from 930 960 in Gr 9 in 2019, to 1 104 452 in 2020. Mweli said this is because from Gr 10 they begin to hold back students who won’t pass in Gr 11 and Gr 12.

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