Office of the Chief Justice invites South Africans with Grade 10 or Abet level 4 to apply for Food Service Aid Post.
REF NO: 2023/06/OCJ
SALARY : R128 166 – R150 975 per annum. The successful candidate will be required to sign a performance agreement.
CENTRE : Land Claims Court: Randburg
CLOSING DATE : 27 January 2023
Food Service Aid Post
REQUIREMENTS : Adult Basic Education and Training Course Level 4/ Grade 10, a minimum of 2 years appropriate experience and relevant knowledge as a Food Aid; Previous experience in hospitality environment will serve as an advantage; Good verbal communication skills and must be highly responsible with good work ethic.
DUTIES : Ensure that the dining area is clean, tables are clean, neat and set correctly according to the menu; Ensure that cutlery and condiments are available on the table; Ensure that water and juice jugs are clean and always refilled; Assist in preparing, serving and storing food; Ensure safekeeping of office/storeroom keys and report any losses, damages or theft; Perform any other duty assigned
to you by the Supervisor.
ENQUIRIES : Technical enquiries: Ms N Mhlambi Tel No: (010) 493 5392
HR related enquiries: Ms T Mbalekwa Tel No: (010) 494 8515
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How to apply
Gauteng Division of the High Court: Johannesburg/Provincial Service Centre/land Claims Ranburg: Gauteng: Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: The Provincial Head, Office of the Chief Justice, Private Bag X7, Johannesburg, 2000.
Applications can also be hand delivered to the 12th floor, Cnr Pritchard and Kruis Street, Johannesburg.
Supreme Court of Appeal: Bloemfontein/Free state Division of the High Court/Free state Provincial Service Centre: Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: The Provincial Head, Office of the Chief Justice, Private Bag X20612, Bloemfontein, 9300.
Applications can also be hand delivered to the Free State High Court, Corner President Brand and Fontein Street, Bloemfontein, 9301.
Mpumalanga: Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: The Provincial Head: Office of the Chief Justice, Private Bag X 20051, Mbombela 1211.
Applications can also be hand delivered to, Mpumalanga Division of the High Court, Office of the Chief Justice Provincial Service Centre, 311 Samora Machel Drive, Mbombela, 1200
Bisho: Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your application to: The Provincial Head, Office of the Chief Justice, Postal Address: Private Bag x 13012, Cambridge 5206, East London.
Applications can also be hand delivered to 59 Western Avenue, Sanlam Park Building, 2nd Floor, Vincent 5242, East London